06 Apr Bellevue Architectural COVID-19 Maintenance & General Care Statement
As we all brace ourselves for an extended period of time indoors, our thoughts turn to how we keep ourselves as healthy as possible and our homes virus-free.
As well as taking precautionary measures like regular hand-washing, not touching your face, it’s important to clean and disinfect surfaces thoroughly to remove the COVID-19 virus and limit its spread.
For obvious reasons, door hardware, of any kind, can be a multi person contact point.
As a result, Bellevue Architectural recommends regular cleaning of all door hardware no matter the brand.
Recommend cleaning process for Bellevue Architectural door hardware
Products should be cleaned by wiping down all visible and contact surfaces at regular intervals with a soft grit free cloth and only with clean warm water.
When cleaning Olivari branded door hardware products that have a SuperInox finish, we recommend the use of specifically-formulated stainless steel cleaners or wipes and then wipe dry with a soft grit-free cloth; available from either your local hardware store or online.
Warning: Do not use a scouring pad of any type as this will cause excessive wear on the plated finish.
Bellevue Architectural wish all people of Australia and New Zealand the very best in these difficult times. Please stay heathy and look after your loved ones.
A message from the team at Bellevue Architectural.